A blustery walk to a spectacular view at the Uffington White Horse

My favourite place is the Uffington White Horse in Oxfordshire. It’s an amazing chalk carving on a hillside of a wobbly horse that dates back 3,500 years. I guess it’s wobbly as the grass that wants to grow and cover the chalk has to be cut back every seven years or so, and as time passes, the outline of the horse slowly shifts.
It’s a blustery walk up the embankment and at the top you get an amazing view of the landscape. You’re up on a scarp with the Berkshire Downs stretching out before you and and a flat plain below. It’s like standing on top of a glacier as it creeps across the earth.
I discovered its existence on an illustrated postcard I found in a hippy shop when I was about 14. I don’t live anywhere near it, but I visit whenever I can. It’s a place that puts you in touch with how old the planet is and how we as a species haven’t been on it that long. It makes me feel small, but in a good way; stood at the top, contemplating the grand scheme of things for a moment or two, and any worries you may have simply blow away on the wind – of which there is a lot!
Image by Ellie Laycock